Thursday, January 25, 2007

For Her...I'd Become A Lesbian!

So, Angelina has once again been making the news! Now normally I'm not all that into what celebrities are or aren't doing, because frankly, the lot of them seem like rather boring people. But every once in a while someone comes along who catches my attention, and Angelina is by far my favorite famous person to watch! Sure there are lots of beautiful women in show biz, but I haven't heard of anyone else wearing a vial of their lover's blood around their least not publicly! She, on the other hand, is brazen enough to talk about all of her wonderfully devilish sexual desires without as much as a blush...Finally a woman who makes me proud!

I guess according to recent interviews and what-not, Angelina's saint-like image of late has finally been shattered. Many newspapers are quoting her as saying that her new baby is "a blob" and that she has been too snippy with reporters on her recent red carpet strolls. So what?! If I were her I'd be snippy and sarcastic too. This whole celebrity culture is crazy! She's being perfectly honest and giving reporters drivel answers to their drivel questions. Good! And about the baby, I'm a new mother with a three month old daughter myself, and I can tell you this - my daughter was a blob until about a month ago when she started to have some sort of a personality! That's exactly what newborns are like...blobs...they can't even hold their own heads up! Now before you go too crazy know that I love my daughter and would do anything for her, but I'm not going to pretend to be one of those mothers who go around saying how perfect every moment of motherhood is! Ha! Those mothers must just be on some sort of hormonal acid trip, because having a newborn is not all that much "fun."

But let's go back for a moment to Angelina's open sexuality. Back in June 2005, an article came out in the Sunday Mirror about Angelina, entitled "The Making of a Sex Goddess." In this article she is quoted as saying,

"I was having sex and it didn't feel like enough and my emotions kept wanting to break out and be honest. So I grabbed a knife and cut him, and he cut me. We were covered in blood. My heart was racing. It was something dangerous and alive."

Hmmm, all this at 14 years old! If you aren't familiar with sadomasochistic practices, using a knife, razor, etc. on your partner during sex for the sole purpose of causing arousal is called 'cutting.' This type of S/M play is largely considered very extreme, even in S/M circles, and is only done with many considerations - for both mental and physical health. (The blade is always sterilized, the partners have explicitly talked about doing this, etc.) By writing about this I am not telling anyone to go out there and start cutting their partners during sex!!!

That said, for many people blood is a turn-on...the site of it oozing out and trickling over the skin, the vibrant red color, the coppery taste...(you are now either completely grossed out or intrigued...which is it?!) Also, the trust and emotional intimacy between partners that is necessary for cutting to take place is in itself a reason to enjoy it, despite the physical discomfort of the actual cut. Like Angelina described, it is exciting, out of the ordinary, forbidden, and can be an incredibly sexually fulfilling experience for both people.

Why would I become a lesbian for her? Because I like the darker side of sexuality. I like when people let go of their inhibitions and do what they really feel like doing...even if it is slicing into each other. I like that her passion exceeds the boundaries of 'usual' sex and drifts into a psychological need for freedom. I like that she wore a vial of her lover's blood around her's a form of primitive intimacy that most people might not understand, or won't admit to understanding.

It's raw. It's uncivilized. It's what sex really is.

Therefore, Angelina has my highest respect for telling the truth about all aspects of her sexuality...from S&M to Motherhood...because although we don't acknowledge it, being a sex goddess and a mother are two sides of the exact same coin!

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