Friday, May 25, 2007

Stereotypes...Really? Still?

As the title suggests, I've been thinking about stereotypes lately, particularly those involving women's sexuality, and was wondering if they actually still exist in mainstream U.S. culture.

Stereotypes like:

Women Don't Masturbate.
Women Don't Like Sex.
Women Aren't As Sexual As Men.
Women Only Have Anal Sex To Please The Man.
Women Who Are Overtly Sexual Are Sluts.
Women "Bring On" Rape When They Dress Too "Provocatively."
Women Are Sexually Submissive/Shy.
Women Don't Feel The Need To Orgasm During Sex.

These issues are talked and written about a lot, but how many people honestly still believe in them? Part of me feels like women have finally found their rightful place in Sexual Wonderland, and that people keep bemoaning these old stereotypes because they have nothing else to write about. After all, it's much easier to write an article telling women to "express themselves sexually" or "it's OK to feel sexual regardless of what people think" than it is to come up with new and truly intriguing articles about exploring sexuality itself. (Trust me, I know!) Even I'll admit to falling back on the easy "Stereotype Breaking" article routine...

But more and more I think those oh-so-revealing-and-liberating! type hype is just outdated. Today's women are sexually familiar with themselves. More women have vibrators and other sex toys now than ever before. They don't feel guilty for their physical exploits, so why bother writing crap that assumes they do and tries to convince them not to be? When I come across these kinds of articles, I roll my eyes in response. "Here we go again..." I think to myself...and if I think that I'm sure plenty of other women have the same reaction.

Hmm, realizing this, what the hell can I write about instead? OK, so both men and women are guiltless sexual tigers who go around parading their openness and enjoying mutual, respectful, and healthy gratification each and every time they have sex.

Does that sound about right to you? No, it doesn't to me either. I guess we're still somewhere between those extremes...Not uptight and ridden with fiery images of Hell or hairy masturbatory palms, but not happy-go-lucky and perfectly cognizant of the health consequences either. I guess there is more work to be done...Thank Goodness for Me!

But really, can we, as sexologists, as sexperts, as whatevers, stop with the Stereotype Cleansing Articles? We get it already! We're cleansed! Time to move on to the hard, intense, and juicy aspects of sex...the nitty-gritty stuff that we do soooo enjoy. Let's work on improving those things, and put the Stereotype Talk to rest!

That said, do you agree that these stereotypes are finally gone...Or am I wrong? Do the women you encounter have any of these or other equally well-known stereotypical hangups? Do you as a woman fit these stereotypes?

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Anonymous said...

I've only known a few women who really don't fall into the stereotype, it's a shame really, I don't like to teach ;) Women need to be more free spirited and more in touch with their own bodies, I believe that it would not only make the experiences more enjoyable for them but also for their partners as well. As for agreeing, no the stereotypes are far from gone, but the only reason is that we stil have women who follow them, we have women who feel that sex is bad, and only for 'making babies'. Until those women decide to actually start enjoying themselves those stereotypes will remain in place.

Anonymous said...

What is sad is that women are not supposed to either enjoy or show their pleasure in anything sexual.I feel that women have as much right as men to enjoy and express their sexuality and by no means is a woman that wants or demands sex or sexual relations slutty in any way.Wh ever heard of a male slut!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I never understood that at all.. why is it that when a women sleeps around she's a slut but when a guy does it he's a hero? You'd think that at this time that might have changed but as far as I know it hasn't, it's still that way...

Speak Sexy said...

I agree, the double standard is completely ridiculous and sadly still believed. I guess from your responses some of the stereotypes I listed are still alive and well. :( Maybe it's just the certain circles I run in that are bit more "open minded" than the norm...

Anyone else have an opinion on this? I'm very curious to know!

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