Friday, March 9, 2007

The Allure of Darkness

Sometimes inspiration comes in the strangest of places. As I was exiting the bathroom last night, instead of opening the door and turning off the light as usual, I accidentally turned off the light before opening the door, momentarily plunging myself into utter darkness. I was surprised by an unexpected feeling of delicious apprehension. I love being in the dark, but recently I haven't had the opportunity to sink into its depths. For reasons I won't go into here, I've had to sleep with a night light for the past few months, something I normally don't do I said...I prefer the dark.

So, as I stood there, perfectly alone, perfectly still...I began to feel...aroused. How curious, I thought to myself. I became instantly turned on just by flipping the light switch. Excited, focused, waiting...It really was that easy. Of course, because I enjoy these sensations so much, I lingered for a few extra seconds in the bathroom, just for the fun of it...

Having experienced that, I began to wonder. Surely, if I had that reaction to being in the dark, other people must as well. I always figured people made love in the dark out of shyness, lack of confidence in their bodily appearance, and so forth. After all, since men are such visually stimulated creatures, they like to fight for sex in the light. But maybe there's more to this dark sex desire than the negative motivations I've attributed to it.

Maybe surrounding ourselves with a mysterious void forces our partner's actions to become our entire world. Like wearing a blindfold, every touch becomes that much more intense, every whisper seeps into our pores, and we rid ourselves of all those pesky visual distractions. (Especially true for women who often get distracted by things like dirty socks on the floor or a glass that might be knocked over!)

Plus, aside from the sensual advantages, for many people, myself included, there's still a tiny part of them that's afraid of the dark. Sure, we rationalize to ourselves that just because the lights are off does not mean monsters automatically crawl out from under the bed...But then there's the other part of our brain, way in the primitive section, that still freaks out regardless of what we tell ourselves. Thank goodness for this throwback though, because it just adds to the spice of sex in the dark all the more! It's an innocent, momentary thrill that kick starts our adrenaline, focuses our attention, and places us in the perfect state of mind for some naughty adult play...Perhaps imagining that the scary monster does come out...and slips quietly under the sheets...and begins to run his hands all over my...Oh wait, sorry, I digress!

Anyway, during your next nocturnal bathroom break, be wicked and turn off the light before you open the door. Yeah it's silly...But you know you're going to try it anyway. :)

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